TreeDining with Lorenzo

We invite you to dine with King Valdemar II (1202-1241) at his Midwinter feast in his mead hall in Danemark. Dr. Harpestraeng has brought the king many marvelous dishes in a new book of cookery which the King is eager to taste. Not since the Romans has a book of cookery been seen and all are eager to try its delights. Our guests are encouraged to have a poem, saga or song to share.

The feast is the product of many months of redacting recipes from Libellus de Arte Coquinaria, An Early Northern Cookery Book.

Site is discreetly damp. Guests are invited to bring period appropriate beverages.

February 23, 2013

2pm: Site Opens
9pm: Site Closes

Important Information
St. John's Church
1802 Skippack Pike
Blue Bell, PA 19422

Adult Member: $15
Adult Non Members: $20
Child (Under 18): $10
Feast is included.

Copyright © 2008-2012 Naomi Hampson.