September 2024
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Ink Display for Delirus Mediaevalis Scientia Feriae

For the Delirus Mediaevalis Scientia Feriae (Mad Science Fair) event that was held this weekend, I put together a display on printing ink and linseed oil, as well as a demo on the printing press.

For the ink display, I had 5 glass vials, each containing a liquid and a small ball bearing.  I had a [...]

King’s and Queen’s A&S Champs, Feb. 11th 2012

I decided to enter a woodblock recreation of an image from a 1568 Danse Macabre into East Kingdom King’s and Queen’s Arts and Science Champions.  I was super pleased with the results, and I enjoyed the process.  I was able to get the pear wood planed to type height, so I was able to print the block [...]

A new carving – Dance of Death

So I am going to have to put my Pennsic map project on hold.  It is much to involved for me to work on while finishing up my Ph.D.

I did get all of my pear wood planed down to 0.918″, which is American type height, so it will fit in my printing press, so now [...]

Crown Tourney Site Tokens

Lino Block and Print for Crown Tourney Site Tokens.  The final site tokens had printed text as well.

Experimenting with metal ornamental type and gauge pins

Yesterday my husband and I experimented some more with the printing press.  We set up the gauge pins and used multiple pieces of metal ornamental type.  These experiments were less successful than Sunday’s, but I feel like I learned a lot about the press.  I was not able to get a nice even print and [...]

Printing Press

I am the proud new owner of a Chandler and Price Pilot printing press. I could not be more pleased with the way everything went.
On Saturday morning we headed to the sellers house to pick up the press.  I didn’t know anything about the man except that he seemed nice from the emails.  [...]